Thursday, January 21, 2010

"What is in a name?

That which we call a rose by any other name might smell as sweet."
-W. Shakespeare

My mother recently started a blog -- it's called "Wasting Thyme"; her first entry was "Introverts Should Not Blog..." (and I totally agree) -- and has convinced me to share my own daily adventures.
I had trouble choosing a name (for this silly thing that I probably won't even share until four posts from now). That same issue kept my mom from creating a blog for ages. All of the questions buzz through your head: "Is it cool enough?", "What will my friends think when they see it?" (ha!), and then "How long will [the rest of the family] laugh when they find out what I decided on?", to name a few.
I finally settled on Thalia and Melpomene, the muses of comedy and tragedy, to represent the ups and downs of my life....which I will now proceed to send out into the great wide web. Goodbye privacy, hellooooooo over-sharing!